Thursday, January 3, 2019


  1. Jesus says that we must be willing to forgive.
    1. We must grant forgiveness whenever a brother says that he repents.
    2. We must do so as often as he says that he repents (7 times a day).
  2. Jesus accepts no excuses for failing to forgive.
    1. Not "when he shows fruit appropriate to repentance."
      1. Not required for granting brotherly forgiveness.
      2. Seven times a day precludes the idea.
      3. Must take him at his word: If he says, "I repent." Can judge words and actions; not heart. Give benefit of the doubt.
    2. Not "when I get more faith."
      1. Not a matter of more faith; a question of obedience.
      2. A faith as small as a mustard seed can do wonders.
    3. Not "when I feel like it."
      1. Servant tired and hungry.
      2. Didn't feel like preparing and serving meal before resting and eating.
      3. Did anyway, because his lord commanded.
      4. Not hypocrisy to obey God against feeling (you do this when you get up in the morning). Do against feeling, to please God.
  3. Jesus says forgive because He commands it.
    1. Forgive out of love for Christ.
    2. Forgiveness is a promise that can be made and kept regardless of fruit, faith, or feeling. The promise: "I will remember your sins against you no more."
    3. The promise involves three things:
      1. I won't raise these matters with you again.
      2. I won't tell others about them.
      3. I won't dwell on them in my own mind.
    4. Keeping this promise leads to forgetting.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

If you have to spend time in Bible study and prayer on Monday to either justify or counteract your response to what you heard preached on Sunday - your spiritual treadmill is running in reverse. Regular Bible study and prayer should prepare us to correctly receive what will be preached the next Sunday with humility and a readiness to, if need be, remember, repent, and return to walking with Christ (Revelation 2:5).

Monday, December 3, 2012

  • Never encourage junior high or high school young people to date.
  • Siblings should not be used by parents as chaperons for boy/girl friendships of another sibling.
  • Adult men should always wear dignified ties - no need to be juvenile.
  • Dad needs to be the one who teaches his son(s) how to be a man.
  • If a boy does not have a saved/godly father, men at church need to be encouraged to mentor him.
  • Mothers need to dress their boys from the eyes of a man.
  • Pay off your credit cards each month.
  • Never travel during church services.
  • As a general rule, never move further away from the church; instead, move closer.
  • Families should strive to always have dinner together.
  • Parents: know how to distinguish between childish and rebellious acts, and teach your children the difference.
  • Never allow your children to sit behind you in church. (Hint: you don't do that by sitting in the back yourself. Duh!)
  • Never lower your standards while on vacation - dress standards, questionable places to go, etc. (That's assuming you have Biblical standards to begin with.)

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Spirit filled life is not a destination it is a journey.
We aren't commanded to "sit" in the Spirit, but to "walk in the Spirit."

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

  • It is not necessary to be loud or obnoxious to take a stand. No one noticed the three Hebrew children until everyone else was bowing down.
  • Other people can stop you temporarily. Only sin and self can stop you permanently.

Monday, October 1, 2012

  • Parents who think they need to sit toward the back of the auditorium when their children are small, should move closer when their children are at the later elementary age.
  • Parents should never sit in the back of the auditorium with their teenagers.
  • Parents should never let their teenagers sit any further back than their parents do.
  • As a general rule, members should sit no further back than half way or 2/3 back (depending on the size of the auditorium and size of the membership). Leave room for visitors and late-comers. - By the way, members should not be habitually late to the services.
  • The closer you are to the front, the better you will pay attention to the services - less distractions. People tend to put more into their worship and therefore get more out of it.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

  • The child of God is forbidden to be yoked with anyone in any endeavor who is not yoked to Christ. II Corinthians 6:14
  • Every person in the home should be accountable for their whereabouts.
A husband should not meander home an hour late from work. It is rude and disrespectful to his family. A wife should not be wandering all over the place shopping and coming home an hour late. This kind of behavior breeds mistrust. Children should also be taught to be responsible. They should not be allowed to come and go at all hours of the day or night. When school is dismissed, children should go home immediately, unless they are involved in after school events like sports.

Friday, September 28, 2012

  • A team sport generally helps a young person more than an individual sport.
    Team sports enrich a young person. For instance, a young person on a basketball, or baseball team learns teamwork with others. He learns how to practice, play, win, and lose together with his fellow teammates.
  • I do not advise a young man to get married before the age of 21.
  • Always go to church while you are away on vacation. This includes Sunday school and Wednesday evening.
  • A young person should not date a person without the consent of godly parents and their pastor.
  • A young person should not date while in high school; at least wait until college age.